Keep Your Trees Looking Great and Safe

A landscape that is properly maintained increases the attractiveness of your home and it also increases the value of the property. Healthy trees that are well maintained add to the beauty of your yard, but tree pruning is a skill that not everyone possesses. It involves some complex cuts that must be made based on knowledge and experience to get the best results. There are several types of pruning that could be used to benefit your trees and keep them healthy and attractive. Here are the main methods:


Trees that have low hanging or drooping branches can become an eyesore. In addition, low branches can choke out sunlight to grass or other plants underneath. They can also interfere with access to sidewalks or parking lots. When this happens, tree care specialists employ pruning techniques to raise the canopy. It involves pruning the lowest branches of a tree. This clears pathways and opens up the bottom so more sunlight can get through. It also vastly improves the appearance of the landscape and opens up the view of the property. 


Crown thinning is needed when there are dead, weak or crossing branches in your tree. Selected branches are pruned so there is a harmonious crown structure intact and it doesn't alter the size or shape of the tree. It is used when there is a need to reduce the amount of shading that is caused by the canopy of the tree so more sunlight can reach into and under the tree. Crown thinning is a natural way of ridding your tree of pests, increasing the air that flows through the tree, removing branches that need to be taken out and improving the health and appearance of the tree. 


Crown reduction differs from crown thinning because it significantly reduces the tree size without altering the shape. This method involves several pruning cuts to the tree in strategic locations so new growth will be able to sprout. Crown reduction is the pruning method that is used when there is a need to let more sunlight reach the property, but there are other reasons why it may be necessary. When limbs become too heavy, it reduces the overall weight. It is also used when trees become overgrown and become hazards for nearby buildings. It is also used to prevent storm damage if the tree has the potential for interfering with power lines. 


Crown cleaning is a pruning method that is necessary when a tree has wood that is damaged, diseased or dead. It is often used when trees in public places become a hazard to passers-by from limbs that are unstable and could fall. Crown cleaning is also used as a way to remove dead or dormant tissue in areas that will stimulate new growth and allow the development of stronger dominant limbs. 


Crown restoration is the technique that is used when a tree has sustained storm or wind damage or if it has been improperly topped. Improper pruning can damage a tree and if possible, corrections must be made. Crown restoration is used to remove overgrowth and to restore a tree to its original structure, making it healthier and more aesthetically pleasing.


Tree roots are notorious for growing into water and sewer lines and wreaking havoc that can lead to expensive repairs. They are also known to damage sidewalks. All of these situations make it necessary to prune them. Root pruning involves pruning selected roots that have either caused damage to the surroundings, or have a potential to do so. 


Once you've made the decision to prune your trees, the top concern is safety. Pruning correctly means the use of dangerous equipment and often, reaching high places. The potential for injury is high if you're not a skilled professional and if you don't have the proper equipment. This is the reason why it's best to call the professionals at Brett's Tree Service. With excellent reviews and many return customers, the pros at Brett's have the knowledge and expertise to assess your pruning needs and deliver the types of pruning that will make your trees healthier and more attractive. When it comes to your safety and the health of your tree's, it doesn't pay to take a chance. Brett's Tree Service offers expert tree pruning in addition to tree removal when necessary. Contact Brett's for all your tree care needs. 

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